Hello internet world! We here at Pasta Primavera are proud to announce that this little blog has packed its bags and is heading on to a new home. Please update all you bookmark thingys to this address:
We hope you enjoy our new site. Hopefully it will allow us to bring this wonderful music to your eyes and ears in a more visually pleasing way. Please let us know what you think, but first go visit the new site. This will be the last post on the blogger address. Thanks a bunch for the support so far.
mp3: Shout Out Louds - Tonight I Have To Leave It (The Russian Futurist Remix)
mp3: Simon & Garfunkel - Homeward Bound
mp3: Peter & The Wolf - Safe Travels
mp3: Out Hud - One Life To Leave
mp3: Mos Def - Travelin' Man (Remix - DJ Honda)
mp3: LCD Soundsystem - Movement
mp3: Kanye West featuring Common - My Way Home
mp3: J-Live - Traveling Music
mp3: Franz Ferdinand - Come On Home
mp3: Engineers - Home
mp3: Daedelus - Move On
mp3: Candence Weapon - We Move Away
mp3: Bloc Party - Where Is Home?
mp3: Air - Universal Traveler
Pasta Primavera Is Moving
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laurent the laurent
7:41 AM
the recipe: moving, news, pasta primavera
The Run Down - Monday May 5, 2008
So after a boomng weekend of shows...there's not many today...in fact there's one and it's sold out. Have a good time to all the people going to see Flight Of The Concords playing at the Tower Theater in Pennsylvania.
mp3: Flight Of The Conchords - Ladies Of The World --> website --> buy
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laurent the laurent
6:23 AM
the recipe: flight of the conchords, the run down
Random Randomness For A Random World
video via blu
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laurent the laurent
6:22 AM
the recipe: Random Randomness For A Random World
Pattern Is Movement Moves Me
A band with little fear, similar to the mentality of Deerhoof (greatest band ever) minus the punk aspect, but filling in that void with complex orchestral arrangements. The reason why I enjoy Philly's Pattern Is Movement so much is the spontaneity of every beat and note. Rhythms change constantly, instruments drop in and out, yet it all coagulates into a rich landscape of music. How's it done? Talent? Smarts? The "knack"? Andrew Thiboldeaux and Chris Ward probably have all of that. They also have a full length release, All Together (fitting), out on Home Tapes on May 6th. Check them out on May 16th at Metro Gallery in Baltimore with Wye Oak (holy crap that's a good show). Their myspace has more dates.
mp3: Pattern Is Movement - Bird --> website --> buy
mp3: Pattern Is Movement - Right Away
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laurent the laurent
6:23 AM
the recipe: artist reviews, pattern is movement
Islands Oasis
Islands seem to have a knack for creating feature length cinematic albums. While their debut might have had a bit more art noir feel to it, their upcoming release (due out May 20th on Anti-) The Arm has crystal clear production that heightens the diverse array of genres and tempos that Islands throws at you on every song. This album definitely signifies that Islands is a creative force...not a bad track on The Arm.
mp3: Islands - Creeper --> website --> buy
mp3: Islands - Abominable Snow
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laurent the laurent
6:24 AM
the recipe: artist reviews, islands
The Run Down - Saturday May 3, 2008
Another weekend is here bringing in a wave of great shows. Abby Mott plays her second day of shows at the Nerve Center in Baltimore with The Bright Lights, A Cat Called Cricket and In Every Room. In DC the Black Cat has Jukenox the Ghost, Travis Morrison Hellfighters, and the XYZ Affair while the Rock and Roll Hotel has South, Silver State, and KI: Theory. Finally in Philly, Johnny Brenda's has the Kills and Telepathe while the M Room has The Major Leagues.
mp3: Jukebox The Ghost - Good Day
mp3: South - Here On In
mp3: The Major Leagues - Fire
mp3: Abby Mott - Wild Desire
your server is
laurent the laurent
6:20 AM
the recipe: abby mott, Jukebox The Ghost, the major leagues, the run down, why I hate the south
What Happened Coldplay?
So many of you have now heard the first single off of Coldplay's new record Viva Lavida. The did a great thing by having you submit your email then sending you a free download link. Unfortunately for me no link ever came to any of my three email addresses (configured to accept this mystery email). My take is that Coldplay just doesn't like pasta...or maybe technology doesn't like pasta (that's more like it). So thanks to Audio Therapy I was able to obtain the track, though thoroughly let down by the CP website. That being said, the new track, Violet Hill, is pretty good and pleasantly different than most Coldplay tracks. It's got the standard sound, but with a Phil Collins sheen on it (don't knock Phil Collins). They really changed up their standard rhythms on this and went for a new direction with much success in my opinion. Check it for yourself.
mp3: Coldplay - Violet Hill
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laurent the laurent
6:25 AM
the recipe: cold play, free track, news, violet hill
The Run Down - Friday May 2, 2008 - UPDATED
Edit: The Velocipede Bike Project show just got a lot cooler. Abby Mott and Baby Teeth are now on the bill, after the unfortunate Metro Gallery cancellation. Woo.
This is a super packed day for events. Here in Baltimore be sure to check out a great art opening down at Velocipede Bike Project that features the work of Alyssa Dennis, Charlotte Benedetto, David Cunningham, Kathy Fahey, Laurent Hrybyk, and Orlando Johnson. There will also be a performance by Yeveto. After that you can head right next store to Metro Gallery and catch the one and only Protomen or across from that you can swing by the Charles for the Maryland Film Festival.
Maybe you might want to travel a bit more downtown to the Talking Head for Abby Mott and Baby Teeth EDIT: (The Talking Head has had to cancel this show).... or trek over to Charm City Art Space for Caleb Stine, Among Wolves, Beans, Lost Thoughts, and Heavy Hangs The Head. In DC the Black Cat has The Kills and Telepathe while the Velvet Lounge has Hammer No More The Fingers, New Rock Church Of Fire, Caverns, and Black and White Jacksons. In Philly the Millcreek Tavern has Gildon Works, Cheers Elephant and a new favorite, Meowskers while the Khyber has The Acorn.
mp3: The Kills - No Wow (MSTRKRFT Remix)
mp3: The Acorn - Blankets
mp3: Hammer No More The Fingers - Fall Down, Play Dead
mp3: Gildon Works - Fourth But First
mp3: Meowskers - Colors That Lie!
mp3: Among Wolves - Hard To Die
mp3: Baby Teeth - Snake Eyes
mp3: Abby Mott - Aphrodite
your server is
laurent the laurent
6:24 AM
the recipe: abby mott, among wolves, baby teeth, gildon works, hammer no more the fingers, meowskers, the acorn, the kills, the run down
Posting on Post War Years
So it's not often I post something about a band without really listening to more than two tracks, but thats all I have to go on from Leamington Spa, UK's Post War Years. And let me tell you...this is some pretty fantastic music that blends analog electronics with an almost jazz fusion beat, then coming together in a modern indie sort of way (complete with hand claps). I don't know much about them besides the fact they're a new four piece from the UK. Here's their own description of themselves:
Post War Years live together in an abandoned russian social club/ hairdressers. Here, they can usually be found creating big beats in the kitchen or just sleeping somewhere. Any noises you hear are triggered by a Live Finger or foot. They grew up together.
The also have a blog which is pretty fantastic. Check it out...go leave a comment of encouragement. They have a 7" of Black Morning due out on May 12th on Rough Trade. Pre order it here, but for now ... listen.
mp3: Post War Years - Black Morning --> website --> buy
mp3: Post War Years - You and Me Both
mp3: Foals - Electric Broom (Post War Years Gatefold Banjo Remix)
Here's their video for Black Morning:
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laurent the laurent
6:23 AM
the recipe: artist reviews, black morning, interactive music video, post war years
Friday (I'm A Remix)
So that's where hell is. I always thought it was in a hand basket. Sometimes it's in my computer screen...or just computers in general. Here's to a weekend away from screens and in front of music.
mp3: The Teenagers - Love, No (Delorean Remix)
mp3: Jose Gonzalez - Killing For Love (Beatfanatic Remix)
mp3: Tokyo Police Club - Tessellate (Field Music Remix)
mp3: Spoon - Don't You Evah (Ted Leo's I Like It Hot Remix)
image via wooster collective
your server is
laurent the laurent
6:23 AM
the recipe: beatfanatic, delorean, field music, friday i'm a remix, jose gonzalez, Spoon, ted leo, the teenagers, tokyo police club
School of Language - Learned
In April 2007, Sunderland UK's Field Music decided to kind of stop making music to persue side projects. One of these tangents is David Brewis' School of Language. In February, School of Language released Sea From Shore on Thrill Jockey. When listening to this, I guess I could throw around terms like "post rock" or "friggin' great", but that wouldn't really pin point what Brewis accomplishes on Sea From Shore. The core of the album is held together by the epic four part Rockist that fleeces my ears with it's oohs-and-ahhs-a-capella backbone over and over. The other tracks drop in between Rockist parts with power and solidarity. I guess it's not too often you hear the words monumental and indie in the same sentence, but that is exactly the style of rock that School of Language emanates... and I can't seem to turn it off. Right now there playing all over Europe. Check their myspace for the dates.
mp3: School Of Language - This Is No Fun --> website --> buy
mp3: School Of Language - Rockist Part 4
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laurent the laurent
6:24 AM
the recipe: artist reviews, school of language
The Run Down - Thursday May 1, 2008
MAY DAY! Celebrate it at Baltimore's Charm City Art Space with Denton, Texas' own Fishboy, The Up Set, Thee Lexington Arrows, and Markitect. Or perhaps you would like to go to DC for RJD2 and Happy Chichester at the 9:30 Club. Another option is Langhorne Slim performing at Iota. Finally you could head north to see Steve Goldberg and the Archenemies perform at The Fire in Philly with Sarah White and Sleeper Car.
mp3: RJD2 - Beyond --> website --> buy
mp3: Langhorne Slim - Restless --> website --> buy
mp3: Steve Goldberg - Artichokes --> website --> buy
mp3: Fishboy - Race Car --> website --> buy
your server is
laurent the laurent
6:22 AM
the recipe: fishboy, langhorne slim, rjd2, steve goldberg, the run down